Swan Lake

Welcome to Swan Lake Pool…

Summer Sundays are for swimming with the swans. The swan, that is. The pet swan. We call him Swanson because he is a part of the family now.FullSizeRender17

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Swanson has quite the fabulous life. Basking in the sun all day long and herding around his miniature flamingo followers, he is very happy here. I know what you’re thinking… that swans have a tendency to be not the nicest animals around, but I can promise you that Swanson here defies that stereotype. He is more than willing to take passengers for leisurely joy rides around his aquatic domain.

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We are all very lucky here at Swan Pool to have mini flamingo friends to supply refreshments whenever the sun gets too hot. These helpful little friends are necessary to the ecosystem here, although they sometimes seem to be more intent on going with the flow than doing their jobs (i.e., delivering beverages).

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Swanson can often be found herding these little guys around. Believe me when I say they have a long way to go in terms of obedience. In the meantime; however, it may be time for a Swanson-sized friend to join the mix. It just seems like the right thing to do for all parties involved.



I hope you enjoyed this little visit to Swan Lake Pool. Come by again sometime!